Assisted Living In Lansing, MI
An unrivaled senior living community

We believe in personalized care
Enjoy the people, places and things you've always loved with the peace of mind that comes from knowing our licensed nursing staff is on-site 24 hours a day. Your personalized service plan includes any ongoing assistance you may need with daily care and activities, leaving everything else in your capable hands.
Residents may receive assistance with bathing, grooming and dressing, at mealtimes, when taking medication, moving throughout their home and much more.
everyone has a unique life story
Red Cedar Lodge residents have decades of experience that have shaped who they are. Our goal, right from the start, is to learn as much as we can about each of them, get to know the person, their life, their loves, their passions and interests.
Assisted Living Services
- Suites, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments
- Resort-style dining in our bistro, pub and dining room
- Fitness center & exercise classes
- Sky terrace & patio with fire pit
- Beauty salon, library, and club room
- Housekeeping and laundry services
- Scheduled transportation
- Personalized care options
- Maintenance and utilities
- Wi-Fi, cable and telephone service
- Daily happy hour
- Caregivers onsite 24 hours per day
- Emergency call/response system
- A walkable neighborhood close to shops, restaurants and parks in Lansing, MI